Gray Witchery I

Gray Witchcraft, or Witchery

It is a eclectic path which walks the path of blance of dark and light energies. No extremes. It is more than just neutral. In fact I think  I will not define it that way.

I am a Gray Witch, with Wiccan Alexandrian, Gardnerian roots. I am no longer walking the Wiccan path but have forged my own. I am eclectic as I use what makes sense for me and what works best. I also work wiht the old ways while incooperating some of the new.

I am not a hereditary Witch, but closer to hedge , as I walk the hedge. I belive magick is not black or white per say, but it is the user, the container of the magick and the intent. Magick is energy. Energy is pure. Energy is powerful

Witchcraft and Wicca, much has already been written comparing the two, and debates if they are one and the same. I am going to share my belief, and no I do not claim it as gospel truth. However it is my truth. We must all come to our own truths.
First, yes I have walked the Wiccan path, and have elevated to third offline with an Elder is eclectic Wicca. I have been in a Traditional circle-also eclectic with Gardnerian, and Alexandrian influences. Today I am a eclectic Gray Witch, and Priestess of Hekate. I serve as Advisor in a couple of circles today. I am convinced as I have read and studied, and just in my own walk and life experience believe Wicca and Witchcraft are not same.
· Witchcraft is not a religion
· Wicca is a man-made religion-birthed in 1957 by Gerald B Gardner.
· Not all Witches are religious, or Wiccan. Not all Wiccans are Witches.
(Even Cunningham acknowledges this in one of his books on Wicca)
Traditional or original Wicca is a Mystery religion, it is an initiatory system. To be part of Traditional Wicca, coven or circle- Gardner, Alexandrian both the oldest, one must be initiated by a HPS and HP.

To be a Witch one is or is not, one does not have to be initiated to be a Witch, if so then who initiated the first?????. Witchcraft does not require all what goes into ritual, another words the hoopla. Now I love ritual, do it, but as a Witch it is not a must for me to function as a Witch. Witches may be spiritual, but not religious in practices, and some are atheistic, meaning they work with no specific deity to call on, or work with. Yet honor the Sacredness of life and Earth. Most Witches are Pagans, but, not all Pagans are Witches. And, not all Witches are Wiccans. In other words, a Witch who practices Witchcraft does not necessarily mean that they practice the religion of Wicca.


I love what Lady Hecate says
“ A Wiccan involved in the religious practices of Wicca does not necessary practice Witchcraft and which makes them not a Witch. And some Wiccan Pagans feel that no magick should be practiced at all, as Wicca is a religion and not magick. As Scott Cunningham wrote in one of his books “Witchcraft: the craft of the Witch–magick, especially magick utilizing personal power in conjunction with the energies within stones, herbs, colors and other natural objects. While this may have spiritual overtones, Witchcraft, using this definition, isn’t a religion. It is just that some followers of Wicca use this word to denote their religion.” So, according to Scott Cunningham simply being a Wiccan does not necessarily mean that you are a Witch”

Wicca the religion has great reverence for nature, and honors the Goddess and God, and walks for a balance and harmony of life. Wiccans honor the Rede- council of the Wise, and uphold the threefold law. Witches do not, I will say- not all Witches acknowledge a God or even Goddess, yet they are still a Witch

Creed of the Gray Witch

I am a Witch
I am who I am
My Path is Shadowed
It is neither black, nor white.
Yet it is both
Between the worlds I walk
I am of the Earth
Yet, I am of above, and below
I am a Witch
To myself I am true
I am my word, and my word I am
I gather as I need, and release what I don’t
I   lift my chalice, I lift my dagger
I am feminine, and I am masculine
I am spirit, I am breath, I am fire, I am water
I am earth.
At the crossroads I am found
For I am   of Her   who lights the path
Queen of Witches, Magick, and sorcery
My oath I have sworn to Her alone
The gray path I walk
Balance of dark, and the light
Embracing the positive, and the negatives
The chaos and the calms
Death, and rebirth
The lunar path
Of light
And Night
Of New and Old
Maiden, Mother, and Crone
Draconic Powers  I evoke
To aide me on my magickal way
Blessings come from blessings sent
Justice be to others who do others harm
With the fools   I do not spend
From the Wise I will always learn
As I will so it is
I am a Gray Witch
This is my Creed
C 2012- Lady Hekate)0( AKA Lady Shadow )0(

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